Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG

Sagrantino: the origins of this variety are still debated. However, it is likely to have originated in Greece and been brought to Italy by Byzantine Monks. Evidence of its cultivation in the Montefalco area dates to the Middle Ages. In the past, this red wine was mainly used for religious ceremonies, hence the name “Sagrantino”, deriving from the word meaning “sacred”. Nowadays, with slightly more than 600 hectares in production, it is the best-known Umbrian wine, appreciated for its intensity, richness and its suitability for ageing thanks to its high content of polyphenols.

Vinification of Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG “Collenottolo”

It is carried out by using only the healthiest sagrantino grapes, which are not crushed but simply destemmed. Fermentation starts spontaneously thanks to the grape’s wilds yeast. Wine matures for at least 36 months in large Slavonian oak barrels larger than 30 hectolitres. After bottling, which is done without filtering, the wine refines in bottle for at least two years before commercialisation.


2008                                        2012                 2016

2009                                        2013

2010                                        2014

2011                                        2015